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revelation unfolds within the open heart...

Michael Orlando

Intuitive Consultant / Tarot Master & Instructor


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Please Note: I am not conducting readings until further notice.

Life can be an ever-evolving journey toward greater illumination. A transformative Tarot reading is a portal through which you may obtain deeper awareness on many levels. Pause awhile with me on your mystical voyage for a moment of reassessment and self-discovery. I promise an always insightful, sensitive, and confidential experience. As we explore the cards together, you will learn to release past issues more easily, while reducing undue concern about future events. Our shared goal is mastery of your optimal self in the present. 

The term psychopomp derives from the Greek word meaning a soul guide--the most famous of these being Hermes in the mythology of that ancient culture. The term has been applied to a variety of figures in as many realms offering assistance through unknown and oftentimes treacherous regions. In all humbleness, I perceive my role as Tarot reader to be the very same. Nevertheless, I have no pretension of possessing the definitive road map for safe passage through every mystical terrain. Instead, I require my seekers to grasp along with me the lamp illuminating our mutual path. It is the shared discovery that leads to lasting transformation--in which while I may reveal several avenues of meaning, the one taken is chosen and must ultimately be traversed alone.


Following here are those personal beliefs and principles guiding my consultation process.

I view my work and that with the Tarot as mystical tools capable of producing wide-ranging benefits. These include providing practical advice and promoting spiritual illumination.

While attuned to many levels of existence as an intuitive consultant, I do not claim myself to be “psychic” in the simplistic, popular overuse of that term. Therefore, I do not predict specific future events, read the thoughts of others, or make contact with the dead directly.

What I do offer is a transformative consultation experience.

The sensitive, caring, and respectful tone of my reading style always promotes your direct involvement in the process. A steadfast belief in free will and the ability to change one’s life course through personal choice influence my overall ethical viewpoint. My straightforward approach combines common sense and the encouragement of inner-reflection.

In our time together, I will not adhere to any religious ideology whatsoever—mainstream or alternative. Indeed, I respect diversity, taking a completely nondiscriminatory stance on age, race, color, ethnicity, gender, culture,disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic, and marital status.

I never misrepresent the scope of my skills by offering legal, financial, medical, or counseling advice of any kind. Nevertheless, I conduct all of my consultations with the utmost professional confidentiality and appamada—the Buddha's word for vigilance, earnestness, and enthusiasm.

The Indian spiritual teacher Eknath Easwaran once said:

It is only because we haven’t developed the capacity for appreciating miracles that we don’t see them all around us. Life is a continuous miracle: not only joy but sorrow too; not only birth but death too. But the most precious miracle of all is to see the divinity in every creature—when we see that the divinity in our hearts is our real Self, and that it is the same Self shining in all.

I believe the Tarot can assist in awakening awareness of our miraculous existence and unique potentialities, while accessing the divinity residing in each of us. For this reason, I see my role as a reader to be a sacred privilege—one that has enriched my own way of life immeasurably. And I am honored to have done the same for many others, as you can see from testimonials on my work below.

As for the majority of us who become either detoured or lost on life’s quest, an effective consultation can help regain our bearings. Moreover, it can suggest alternate routes to a desired destination. And this is what I strive for in each and every reading.

Finally, I believe that while fate may offer many roads, the one taken is always a question of choice.

It will be my honor to assist in guiding you on this profound journey.

Seekers Reflect

I was simply floored by the depth of Michael’s reading. This is a significant incarnation for me, and the reading went into great detail to extract the meaning of each card that appeared, explaining the precise nature of the challenges. I watched as all of my aspects showed up, with Michael tracking and explaining the meaning of each one with pinpoint accuracy. The last card, which he drew intuitively—as he knew there was something else to be revealed—presented me with the overriding and shining determinator of this incarnation—"The Sun". Really, I am still blown away by it all. Each time I meditate upon it, I have new realizations. Michael is a master Tarot Reader, and I would recommend him to all those who wish to understand themselves and their life path on a deeper level.—Constance Demby, Internationally-acclaimed, Grammy-nominated Recording Artist and Master Musician Healer

I read my own cards and have had countless Tarot readings over the past fourteen years. But Michael’s interpretation and expression of the cards are so much more spiritual and healing than any of these. Michael transcends the ordinary as he interprets the conscious and subconscious meanings of the cards practically, while giving me the understanding and knowledge to make positive changes in my life. He is fantastic.—Heather McGeorge, Intuitive Tarot Reader & Energy Healer


A volunteer at our Quest Bookshop Psychic Fairs, Michael is one of the most amazing Tarot Readers we have. His clients always inform me of how wonderful he is. It is one thing for a customer or two to comment on a reader, but when every one of them feels a need to tell us how wonderful he is, that speaks volumes. Since Michael has been working with us, we have never had anything except enthusiastic, appreciative, and positive feedback. If you are looking for a rich, rewarding session with a Tarot reader, Michael is the one to see. And speaking from an administrative point of view, he is a professional in every sense of the word. Michael is a delight to work with and probably the most dependable person I know. There's just no way one can go wrong in dealing with him.—Lyn Trotman, Manager, The Quest Bookshop


Michael is a pleasant and thorough tarot reader. He helped me find my own answers and explained what he was doing and why. He was easy to understand and at no time tried to make choices for me. It was a pleasure to have a reading done by him.—Eileen Croutch, Executive Director, The Canadian Tarot Network

Michael is one of the most gifted and talented Tarot readers I have ever had the pleasure of having a reading with. His enlightening and creative way of reading the Tarot is moving and really gives you a sense of direction in your life.—Jennifer Davino, Spiritual Intuitive/Medium


Michael’s energy, spirit, and graciousness are always welcome at Wainwright House. His generosity made the event a huge success. Everyone was thrilled with their readings. We look forward to Michael sharing his gifts with us again soon.—Janice O'Brien, Director of Marketing & Special Events, Wainwright House

Closing The Circle
A Personal Testimonial by David Palladini

[Without question, the reading I was blessed to conduct for the late legendary Tarot artist David Palladini at his request will remain one of the personal landmarks in my work with the cards. This was especially so when I learned how this was the very first he ever had done. A world-renowned illustrator and fine artist, David Palladini was the creator of The Aquarian TarotThe New Palladini Tarot, and selected cards for The Linweave Tarot.—Michael Orlando]

Your reading of my Tarot cards was magnificent and was a watershed event in my life. Forty years after I created The Aquarian Tarot, your insightful, loving, and intellectually deep reading closed the circle for me...the circle of life, and the "O" of who you are, "Orlando". I believe you have a gift for Tarot with which you can help people move forward on their journeys. You helped me see that, despite the fire of tribulation I had passed through, the lives I have touched through my art have made it all worthwhile, and my contribution to others has been the most valuable gift I have found on my journey through this mysterious thing we call "life". All my thanks for your talented guidance.

With Gratitude and Admiration—David Palladini


"As the orange light of sunset vanished and was succeeded by an astonishing white glare…

the strangest transformations took place."—Virginia Woolf

A gifted astrologer once blessed me with a profound reading during a chance encounter. Aided by that celestial science, she proclaimed the purpose of my spiritual quest with a singular eloquence.

You are to become a priest of magick.


Such a lofty goal resounded deeply within me. Contemplating this lifelong challenge further, I found it best to cast aside any of the title’s more obvious religious connotations. In this way, I arrived at its elemental meaning. A priest is an individual trained and capable of performing divine rites of value to a like-minded community. A broad definition of magick is an undertaking activated by a need for desired change. From this I was able to articulate my vocation of Tarot reader as one using the cards to guide others open to their possibilities along the pathway toward transformation.

Always interested in Ancient Egyptian society and religion, I sought additional enlightenment in that culture so infused throughout with the divine. My investigations focused on the many-leveled priestly caste of those legendary times. From among their ranks, the functions of a particular sector spoke directly to me. For their work aspired similarly to facilitate experience of the mystical in the everyday world. They accomplished this through such magical applications as dream interpretation and occult ritual, as well as varied forms of counseling and healing. Their ability to perform so productively was the result of intense training, skill, and inner-wisdom.

The Egyptians strove for spiritual evolvement through a harmonious balancing between the mundane and sacred realms. I share this aspiration, believing real transformation results from such divine equilibrium. The Tarot can guide us toward this sacred state wherein genuine change can happen.

To achieve this, our reading will focus on you. Working together, we will uncover those hidden aspects and conflicts impacting different levels of your existence. As your guide, I will direct my interpretive skills and intuitive sense to illuminating the path of your own mystical journey. Along the way, your unique strengths will be encouraged, and unhelpful blocks examined. The cards will assist us in revealing life trends and potentialities.

I do not provide easy, simple, or “quick-fix” answers. While fate is involved, I truly believe our destinies are not pre-determined, but shaped tremendously by the choices we make each and every day.


Be assured that I will be well-prepared for our time together. At the start of the session, I will ask if you would like me to

focus the reading on a particular conflict or issue. These can include but are not limited to ones concerning love and romance, relationships of all kinds, family, career, spiritual path, or almost any other area you might specify. I ask you to be ready and receptive to the possibility of my re-phrasing your initial reading inquiry in a way best serving a productive experience.

I know not what to ask of thee.
Thou art the knower;
Give what thou deemest best.

—Ansari of Herat

Alternately, I can conduct an “open reading”. Here, you will not specify a particular concern at the session’s outset. Instead, we will have faith in our coming together as reader and seeker to grant us wisdom through the cards during this uniquely shared moment. The information gained will focus on the present while uniting influential factors from the past and upcoming trends. For myself, I prefer the open reading process since our mutual surrender to its source—the "knower" in the quote above—often yields the most unexpected and significant results

In these ways, I provide transformative readings capable of helping you become your most optimal self.

I hope you accept this invitation to join me as we reveal, understand, and transform

Training and Accreditations

I am an Intuitive Consultant performing divination. While defined in many different ways, at its most basic, divination means accessing hidden knowledge through a particular method. I do so with the Tarot. 

My gift combines decades of personal exploration, academic training, and practical experience with and without the cards embellished by a keen sense of knowing. This has included study with such divergent, world-renowned Tarot specialists as Enrique EnriquezRachel PollackCraig Junjulas, and Mary K. Greer.

In addition to numerous private sittings, I have provided professional reading services for Earth Spirit New Age Center (Red Bank, New Jersey), as well as Opal Moon Wellness Center (Croton-on-Hudson, New York), Kindred Spirits Center (Wilton, Connecticut), REJUVENATE Sanctuary (Westwood, New Jersey), and Park Avenue Corporate Health (New York City). For the latter, I gave guest reading services for such clients as New-York Historical Society, Hudson Highland Group, Jones MediaAmerica, and Sofitel Luxury Hotels. My charitable activities include guest reading for Wainwright House (Rye, New York), Suluk Academy/Inayati Order (New Lebanon, New York), and The Quest Bookshop (New York City) in benefit of The New York Theosophical Society.




As for credentials, I have been a Certified Professional Tarot Reader (CPTR) since 2007, following the successful completion of Certified Apprentice Tarot Reader (CATR) and Certified Tarot Reader (CTR) levels. To be sure, most readers do not undergo the rigors of certification since they can easily practice without these qualifications. But I have done so to honor the Tarot, believing such training promotes genuine, recognizable, and effective proficiency with the cards. While several select organizations throughout the world offer certification programs, I completed my own through The Canadian Tarot Network as licensed by The Tarot Certification Board of America, under the mentorship of Kristin Lee-Gray, Certified Tarot Instructor.


I have enjoyed the privilege of sharing my unique approach to Tarot reading as both private instructor and workshop facilitator for all levels of expertise. I created the course manual for Journey Begins—an intermediate-level, multi-media program in Tarot reading offered Online worldwide through Tarosophy Tarot Association (formerly, Tarot Professionals/United Kingdom). I gave a variation of this material as Tarot Journey, a beginner-intermediate level, multi-part workshop series at Wainwright House (Rye, New York), Opal Moon Wellness Center (Croton-on-Hudson, New York), and Mirabai of Woodstock (Woodstock, New York). I also presented the lecture The Transformative Tarot at Wainwright House (Rye, New York). 

In 2008, I had the honor of accepting a personal invitation from Tarosophy Tarot Association (formerly, Tarot Professionals/United Kingdom), a global network of leading Tarot innovators, to receive an ACE (Accredited Certificate of Excellence) founding membership. ACEs are bestowed in "recognition of valuable contributors to the development of Tarot in contemporary society".

I have been a member of the following organizations: Tarot ProfessionalsAssociation for Tarot StudiesThe American Tarot AssociationThe Canadian Tarot NetworkThe Tarot Association of the British Isles, and The Spiritual Workers Association.

Among my published works are biographies of extraordinary historical figures; reports of spectral haunts; and critiques on film, music, and art; and occult and Tarot-inspired poetry. Most notably, it is a great honor for my book Heart Vision: Tarot’s Inner Path on self-reading to have been published in 2017 to excellent notices by Mandrake of Oxford. My regular column The Common Reader offering practical, ethical and mystical advice for the professional Tarot reader was published quarterly in Tarosophist International: The Magazine of Tarosophy & Tarot. Other select writings include Moving Stillness: A Moment with Visionary Artist Gary Lund, an interview with artist Gary Lund on his creation of the Third Eye Oracle Deck (Tarosophist International/Spring 2010); and Sage of Aquarius: David Palladini & The Art of Being, a career-wise interview with the late artist David Palladini, creator of the Aquarian Tarot and New Palladini Tarot, accompanied by separate interviews with Stuart R. Kaplan, Tarot authority and Founder of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.; and Susan Hansson, author of Reading Tarot Cards: A Guide to the New Palladini Tarot (Tarosophist International/Winter 2009).

I have also created several audio projects exploring various aspects of mysticism and spirituality. 

With a passionate interest and comprehensive knowledge of the fine arts and literature, I have based my unique perspective with the Tarot on a cross-cultural, multi-disciplinary, unbiased, and well-informed foundation. Related experience includes a B.A. Psychology and B.F.A. Fine Arts/Film Studies from New York University, as well as training at Institute for Modern Psychoanalysis (New York City) and St. Barnabas Medical Center (Livingston, New Jersey).

As for mystical training, I am a graduate of both Suluk Academy (New Lebanon, New York)—a two-year core Sufi esoteric studies program with Pir Zia Inayat Khan focused on the spiritual legacy of his grandfather the Indian spiritual teacher Hazrat Inayat Khan; and the Advanced Channeling Certification Course with Munishwarji, Teacher of Holy Mysteries and Founder of the Temple of the Inner Self to earn the title Certified Intuitive Consultant

Tarot Decks

An instrument of revelation.
Fashioned from the simplest of substances.
Nothing more than humble paper.
Made into cards adorned with lovely images.
Even so, true magic happens when you and I
Surrender to their messages.
And this magic we will create together
Through their divine assistance.

For your reading, I will most likely be using one of the following Tarot decks. [click on deck name to see images]

Rider-Waite-Smith: One of the most important Tarot decks of the 20th century, occultist Arthur Edward Waite and artist Pamela Colman Smith collaborated on these cards first published in 1909 by William Rider & Son of London. Although at first glance charmingly simplistic in design, they conceal profound depths of mysticism. This deck continues to shape innumerable ones worldwide to this very day.

Aquarian: Inspired by the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck, renowned contemporary Italian artist David Palladini created what must be one of the most artistically sumptuous decks of all time. It uniquely combines the Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles with Palladini’s inimitable vision, all veiled in Renaissance mystery. While stunningly capturing the early-1970s visual eclecticism of its genesis, it remains a timeless classic in its own right.

Jean Noblet Tarot: One of the earliest-known Tarot decks, it first appeared in France sometime around 1650. Noblet was the Paris-based, master card-maker who produced this deck. The cards’ vivid drawings and symbolic color scheme remain remarkably potent today. Some specialists believe this deck preserves, more purely than any other, the intentions of the original Tarot diviners as a tool to track the soul’s journey.

In some cases, I will embellish the reading by drawing cards for additional guidance from the following decks. Click on the deck name to see cards from them:

Third Eye Oracle: First conceived in 1985, this extremely rare deck was twenty years in the making for artist Gary Lund, noted painter, sculptor, and animation film designer. Oracle cards such as these facilitate direct communication with the inner self and elemental forces. In the artist’s words, this stunning deck assists in accessing “your inner vision within cycles of growth and change”.

Heart Vision: I created this one-of-a-kind free-form deck with artist Scot D. Ryersson as a portal through which contact with deeper truth can be happen. [samples below]

Sunset Tarot poster series (2009-10) by Scot D. Ryersson


© 2016-Present by Michael Orlando Yaccarino 

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